Frequently Asked Questions


What is Optimate?

Optimate is a digital service for analyzing and optimizing sheet metal parts.

Who is Optimate targeted to?

To designing and manufacturing companies in the sheet metal working industry.

Is the Optimate App suitable for me?

We are happy to discuss your specific application needs during a personal live demo. Our service will pay for itself with savings achieved from the very first analyzed part.


How does the Optimate App help me on my journey towards automation and Industry 4.0?

Our feasibility check, potential recognition and part optimization ensure a higher process reliability as well as significant cost savings in sheet metal production.

On what data is the artificial intelligence for part optimization based?

We use artificial intelligence for potential recognition, which identifies specific optimization potential for each individual part. The machine learning model was developed using thousands of part data and expert sheet metal know-how gathered over 50 years.


How can I save costs with the Optimate App?

Our software solution serves to optimize your design plans – enabling the process-reliable production of your parts. Depending on the batch size, significant cost savings can be achieved through redesign. For example, by saving material or by eliminating entire work steps.

At what point does the Optimate App begin to provide returns?

Part optimization can pay off from the first analyzed part.

Is it also worth analyzing existing parts?

Absolutely! Our AI uncovers optimization potential in seconds. A redesign of your part can result in cost savings of over 40%.

Is the Optimate App truly unique on the market?

The AI-based potential recognition and the automated part optimization with integrated redesign are unique on the market so far.


How can I schedule a live demo appointment?

You can easily schedule a live demo appointment directly via the booking tool. Appointment requests can also be submitted via the contact form, live demo pop-up or via email.


How much does the Optimate App cost and how can I pay?

The monthly cost for the license depends on the subscription package you select: Essential (from 299 € I per user/month or from 1.199 € I per company/month), Professional (from 399 € I per user/month or from 1.659 € I per company/month) and Integration (individual quote). Payment is currently possible via credit card and invoice.

What is the difference between the Essential and Professional packages?

The Essential package includes the feasibility analysis (design warnings) and cost calculation. In the Professional package, these functions are extended to include the part optimization (potential recognition + automated redesign ‘Automated Optimization’).

What is Optimate Integration and who is it for?

The Integration package currently includes the functions of the Professional package plus the connection of the service via API interface. Optimate Integration is suitable for job shoppers with webshops as well as online marketplaces with high analysis and optimization volumes.

Is there also an on-demand payment model?

Currently not. Optimate offers you a flexible license model that can be subscribed to on a monthly basis. The license can be cancelled at any time with two weeks’ notice to the end of the month.

Can I also just initially test the Optimate App?

Yes, individually arranged pilot phases are offered on request.


Do I need to download Optimate?

No, a download is not required. Using our cloud-based Web App solution only requires registration in our App.

How does the feasibility analysis work?

Our algorithm digitally checks whether the design guidelines submitted by the client are met.

How does the cost calculation work?

Our cost calculation determines the price for your sheet metal part at the push of a button, based on the costs for material, scrap and production (laser cutting, bending and welding).

How does part optimization work?

Potential recognition is AI-based and uncovers optimization potential in seconds. Our ‘Automated Optimization’ algorithm is based on various sheet metal part optimization strategies, enabling an automated redesign for a more cost-effective production of your part.

Is personal consulting also available?

A personal consultation is available for more complex parts and assemblies. It takes place virtually and can be requested via the App.


Can the Optimate App also analyze assemblies?

The dismantling of assemblies (up to 25 parts) and subsequent analysis of the contained individual parts is possible.

What materials does the Optimate App support?

Structural steel (1.0038), stainless steel (1.4301) and aluminum (AlMg3)

How many parts can the Optimate App analyze at the same time?

50 parts.

In what languages can the Optimate App be used?

In German and English.

What file format do I need to use Optimate’s service?

To use Optimate's service, we need your parts in a .step or .sldprt / .sldasm file format. We are currently working on enabling the upload of other native formats.

Is it possible to store my machine data and tool pairings in my profile?

Yes, we will create an individual user profile for you in consultation with our support.

Is the cost calculation of my part based on a specific batch size?

Yes, our App calculates the costs per piece and the total costs depending on your batch size.

Can I store my individual parameters in the App for the cost calculation?

Currently, hourly machine rates and material prices can be customized.

Is there a company license to be able to use the Optimate App across departments?

For large companies, there is a flat rate independent of the number of users, which makes Optimate usable for different departments throughout the company.

Can I change the package I have booked?

You can change your package at any time at the end of a usage month. Please contact us to make a change to your package.

How can I be sure that Optimate’s suggestions match my part requirement?

You know your application best: We therefore recommend that you check our design proposals for suitability to your intended use on your own responsibility, especially with regard to external forces.

Can I use Optimate’s service from any country?

You can use Optimate's service worldwide. Please contact us if you would like to book our service outside of Germany.


What is the connection between Optimate and TRUMPF?

Optimate GmbH is an independent spin-off from high-tech company TRUMPF and emerged from an internal innovation program.


Do you still
have questions?

Contact us!

Miles Barke
Sales Manager


Test Optimate App now for free!

Experiencing instead of reading - test our potential recognition with your own sheet metal parts! Simply enter your e-mail address below and receive your individual test access. Alternatively, you can directly select your preferred date for your live demo.