Blog | | by Carolin

Artificial Intelligence in sheet metal processing

Today, we dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. In recent years, AI researh and technologies have reached exponential progress which is now influencing countless aspects of our daily lives. From self-driving cars to voice assistants and personalized advertising – Artificial Intelligence has the potential to fundamentally change the way we live and work. Join us on a journey of exploration through the diverse possibilities of this emerging technology.

And did you notice? This introduction was not written by a human but by the AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an advanced language model based on Artificial Intelligence, trained to answer questions and provide context-based information.


The functionality of AI systems and their potential for sheet metal processing

How do AI systems work in general? AI systems learn from data and recognize patterns to make decisions by using complex algorithms and models that allow them to continuously learn and adapt to changes.

What about sheet metal processing specifically? And how do these two topics relate? Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasingly significant role in the sheet metal processing industry as it can contribute to automating processes, reducing errors and improving productivity. However, it is clear that the use of AI in sheet metal processing is not yet fully established. Reasons for this include the complexity of the processes, the availability of high-quality data, high investment costs and the lack of acceptance by companies.


Application areas of AI in the sheet metal processing industry

1 | Research & Development: AI can assist in generating design ideas, simulations and optimizations to accelerate the development of innovative products and solutions.

2 | Production planning and optimization: Workflows can be better planned and optimized with the help of AI. By analyzing historical data, order volumes and machine capacities, AI suggests the most efficient utilization of machines and avoids bottlenecks.

3 | Manufacturing: AI-powered simulations and algorithms help shorten production times, reduce waste and optimize complex processes.

4 | Quality assurance: Image processing and machine learning enable early detection of defects and inaccuracies, ensuring consistent high product quality.


Rethinking sheet metal designs: Can Optimate become a ChatGPT for the design of sheet metal parts?

Optimate aims to take a pioneering role in the industry with its software solution, striving to integrate AI and algorithms into the design of sheet metal parts. The goal is to digitize extensive sheet metal knowledge since this expertise often resides in only a few individuals. The intention is to make this knowledge accessible worldwide.

Through AI-based potential recognition, Optimate has already laid the foundation for an automated design process. Where manual inspection was previously required, part optimization now takes place within seconds as a fully automated design support. The underlying machine learning model of the feasibility analysis was developed by processing thousands of part data and the extensive knowledge of experienced sheet metal experts that has grown over decades.

How does the service work? The feasibility check can be compared to a spell-checking AI model, while the part optimization represents the text suggestion that emerges from it.

Back to ChatGPT: How about if designers could communicate their requirements for a sheet metal part and it would be automatically designed for them, including functionality and cost calculation? What is still a vision today could soon become reality. In this scenario, it would be conceivable to provide users with the option to specify design parameters, tailoring their parts precisely to their needs.

The future will undoubtedly be shaped by the possibilities and innovations of Artificial Intelligence. By embracing the opportunities that AI offers, we can drive the industry forward and set new standards. Together we are shaping a future in which precision, efficiency and progress go hand in hand.

Written by

Carolin Heider

Student Employee

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